Mold release agent铸型脱模剂
铸型脱模剂采用优质材料配制而成,具有挥发速度快、效率高,涂刷一次可重复使用多次,不粘模。可有效地解决树脂砂、水玻璃砂、油砂、合脂砂等粘模问题,适用于可喷或刷到模样或芯盒表面,第一次刷 2~3 遍,以后每刷一遍,挥发
5~20 分钟即可造型,每涂刷一遍可使用 5~15 次取决于模样的复杂程度或模样种类。
The mould release agent is made of high quality materials. It has the advantages of fast evaporation and high efficiency. It can be reused many times without sticking. Can effectively solve the resin sand, water glass sand, oil sand, grease sand and other sticky mold problems, suitable for sprayed or brush to the mold or core box surface, the first brush 2~3 times, after each brush, volatilization 5~20 minutes can be modeled, once each brush can be used 5~15 times depending on the degree of complex or type of pattern.